FAQs - Regrid Property App
Find quick answers to any questions you may have about our products, services and company. We are always updating our FAQ's to make it as comprehensive as possible.
What is the Regrid Property App, and what can it do for me?
Our app lets you view and work with property data across the entire United States - no IT degree required! Jump to the map to start surfing and see it in action. Read more about the Regrid Property App here.
Where should I go to learn more about Regrid's parcel data?
We have many support articles designed to go in depth on our data - what we offer, how you can use it, and more. A good place to start is our Parcel Data FAQ!
The app looks great, but I want to get my hands on this data and use it in my own processes/database/etc. Can Regrid help?
Absolutely! We work with businesses of all sizes to provide parcel data however they want it.
- for nationwide parcel data, go to https://regrid.com/parcels
- for county or state data, visit our Data Store
- if you would like our data via API, we do that too.
Do I need to put in credit card information to create an account and get started?
No. You don’t need to enter your credit card information to create a Starter account. Simply sign up and be on your way to creating your very first Regrid map.
What is the difference between Starter and Pro account levels?
A Starter account is designed to provide users the ability to view parcel information that we have and to get a taste of the offerings that we provide with a Pro account. However, a Starter account does not provide access to most of the tools and features that Pro accounts and above have access to.
Pro, meanwhile, comes packed with a ton of features and functionality including being able to create maps & surveys as well as importing & exporting your data. Upgrading to Pro would give you expanded powers and the ability to use these tools in an unlimited way. For more specifics, please visit our plans page
Who owns data that I import to your site?
You do! We don’t take or use any data that you have imported without your permission.
Is GIS experience necessary to use the Regrid Property App?
No, although prior experience can be a bonus. We try to make our tools as easy-to-use as possible.
I don’t see my exact address on your map.
Try using the map to navigate to your address instead. Because the site works on the parcel level, some addresses - especially when there is more than one address on a parcel, as in the case of an apartment building, duplex, etc. - do not show on the map. For example, a two-unit building (123 and 125 Main St.) may have 123 Main Street as its address in our system, so searching 125 Main Street may not work very well.
I see that the Regrid Property App is both something I can access on the web at app.regrid.com, and also as a mobile app from the App Store. Are there differences?
Yes! They both provide easy access to Regrid's excellent nationwide parcel data, but they are designed to meet slightly different needs.
The web version comes with a whole suite of tools for working with parcel data (for example a Filter tool, to find just the properties of interest); meanwhile, the mobile app is geared towards location intelligence when you're on the move - quick parcel info lookup, ability to attach notes and photos to properties, and tools for quickly measuring distance and area.
Are Regrid, Loveland/makeloveland & sitecontrol the same?
Loveland Technologies is the parent company, and Regrid (regrid.com) is our website and platform. Makeloveland, Site Control, and Landgrid are older sites/names that we’ve moved away from as we’ve evolved over time. Now, post re-branding, all our products and solutions fall under regrid.com.
In this section
- What is the Regrid Property App, and what can it do for me?
- Where should I go to learn more about Regrid's parcel data?
- The app looks great, but I want to get my hands on this data and use it in my own processes/database/etc. Can Regrid help?
- Do I need to put in credit card information to create an account and get started?
- What is the difference between Starter and Pro account levels?
- Who owns data that I import to your site?
- Is GIS experience necessary to use the Regrid Property App?
- I don’t see my exact address on your map.
- I see that the Regrid Property App is both something I can access on the web at app.regrid.com, and also as a mobile app from the App Store. Are there differences?
- Are Regrid, Loveland/makeloveland & sitecontrol the same?