Verse Table Schema
The verse
table provides metadata about each county in our dataset and is delivered
to bulk data customers and is available via API.
This table is provided in the same directories and formats as the county data.
The two critical pieces of information in the verse table are filename_stem
and last_refresh
. Those two fields tell you the name of the dataset for a county and the last time we did a full data pull from the source, usually the county or a designee.
Field | Type | Name | Description | Source |
id | integer | ID | Row ID | Automatic |
wkb_geometry | geometry | Geometry | Geometry of the place described in this row | Census |
admin0 | character varying | Admin0 | Two-letter country abbreviation | Census |
admin2 | character varying | Admin2 | Administrative level 2 name. In the US this is the county level. Formerly named 'county' | Census |
admin1 | character varying | Admin1 | Administrative level 1 name or abbreviation. In the US this is the two-letter state abbreviation. Other countries might call these provinces or territories. Formerly named 'state' | Census |
admin2_center | character varying | Admin2 Center | Primary administrative city for the admin2 area. In the US this is the county seat. Formerly named 'seat' | Census |
admin2_type | character varying | Admin2 Type | The type of administrative boundary for admin2 | Census |
population | integer | Population | Total county population (2010 Census) | Census |
sqmi | integer | Square Miles | County square miles | Automatic |
sq_km | integer | Square Kilometers | The area of the place, in square kilometers | Automatic |
geoid | character varying | GEOID | US Census county GEOID | Census |
admin3 | character varying | Admin3 | Name representing a city, if the data applies to a sub-admin2 area. Formerly named 'city' | Census |
table_name | character varying | Table Name | Table name in Regrid system | Automatic (bi-weekly) |
total_objects | integer | Total Objects | Total number of parcels in this place | Automatic (bi-weekly) |
last_refresh | date | Last Refresh Date | Date of the last full refresh of data from our county source. This is always the date of our ingest, see 'assessor_data_date' for the estimated date of the assessor data itself. | Hand |
path | character varying | Path | Path of data in Regrid system | Automatic (bi-weekly) |
canonical_path | text | Canonical Path | Internal path used by Regrid's tileserver to identify a place | Automatic |
filename_stem | text | Filename Stem | The base filename for exports of this place, without extension. Add an extension to get the filename (eg mi_wayne.csv) | Hand |
date_added | timestamp | Date Added | Date the place was first added to our parcel collection | Hand |
shapefile_size_flag | text | Shapefile Size Warning Flag | 'y' indicates this place is larger than the shapefile limit of 2 Gigabytes of data and some applications will silently truncate the file. OSGEO tools generally work fine with these files, Esri tools often truncate data silently. | Hand |
assessor_data_date | date | Date of the assessor data | Date of the assessor data to the best of Regrid's ability to determine. Determined at the same time we refresh our data from the county source. Set if it diverges significantly from the `last_refresh` date, otherwise remains null. | Hand |
usps_data_date | date | Date of USPS data | Date of the USPS data from our CASS process vendor | Hand |
partial | text | Partial county data flag | An indicator that some parcels in the county are not included in our parcel data. Please see our [FAQ for more information](/articles/parcel-data-faq/#why-do-some-counties-have-partial-data). | Hand |
buildings_count | integer | Count of buildings in the county | The total of all the individual parcel building counts for the county as derived from [Regrid Matched Building Footprints]( data. | Automatic |
buildings_data_dates | text | Date of the building data sources | Dates of the imagery and/or lidar data the building counts and building footprint polygons are derived from. | Automatic |
address_count | integer | Count of total primary and secondary addresses in the county | The total of all the [Matched Addresses]( available in the county. | Automatic |
address_date | date | Date of the matched address data source | Date of the source data we use to provide matched secondary addresses. | Automatic |
metropolitan_area | text | Metropolitan Area | The US Census Metropolitan Statistical Area a county falls in, if there is one. | Automatic |