Enhanced Ownership Schema

Regrid’s Enhanced Ownership parcel data add-on solution schema, detailed below, includes numerous owner names (shared ownership), mailing addresses and deeded ownership information, matched at a parcel level with Regrid’s UUID.

Field Description Datatype
ll_uuid Regrid UUID Uniquely identifies a single parcel with a v4 uuid. A stable parcel id across county data refreshes. This field should be used for tracking individual parcels. text
attom_id ATTOM Data Solutions internally generated integer identifier for the subject property text
eo_geoid FIPS Code for the county the assessor record is in text
eo_last_refresh The date when the assessor record was last updated date
eo_owner The full unparsed primary owner's name. The primary owner is the individual or entity who holds the most interest in a property at the time assessment file was created. text
eo_ownerfirst The first name of the primary owner of the property. If primary owner is a company the company name will be present in this field. text
eo_ownermiddle The middle name of the primary owner of a property text
eo_ownerlast The last name of the primary owner text
eo_ownersuffix The suffix associated with the primary owner (Jr., III, etc.) text
eo_owner2 The full unparsed name of secondary property owner at the time the assessor file was created. text
eo_owner2first The first name of the secondary owner of the property. If the secondary owner is a company the company name will be present in this field. text
eo_owner2middle The middle name of the secondary owner text
eo_owner2last The last name of the secondary owner text
eo_owner2suffix The suffix associated with the secondary property owner of the property (Jr., III, etc.) text
eo_owner3 The full unparsed third owner's name text
eo_owner3first The first name of the third owner of the property. If third owner is a company the company name will be present in this field. text
eo_owner3middle The middle name of the third owner of a property text
eo_owner3suffix The third owner's last name text
eo_owner3last The suffix associated with the third owner of the property (Jr., III, etc.) text
eo_owner4 The full unparsed fourth owner's name text
eo_owner4frst The first name of the fourth owner of the property. If fourth owner is a company the company name will be present in this field. text
eo_owner4middle The fourth name of the primary owner of a property text
eo_owner4last The fourth owner's last name text
eo_owner4suffix The suffix associated with the fourth owner of the property (Jr., III, etc.) text
eo_mail_county Mailing address county text
eo_mail_geoid Mailing address Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for the county text
eo_mail_address Mailing address of property owner from assessor record text
eo_mail_addno Mailing address house number and fraction text
eo_mail_addpref Mailing address pre-directional text
eo_mail_addstr Mailing address street name text
eo_mail_addstsuf Mailing address street name suffix text
eo_mail_adddir Mailing address post-directional text
eo_mail_unitpref Mailing address unit number prefix text
eo_mail_unit Mailing address unit number text
eo_mail_city Mailing address city text
eo_mail_state2 Mailing address state text
eo_mail_zip Mailing address zip code text
eo_mail_zip4 Mailing address zip plus 4 code text
eo_mail_carte Mailing address postal carrier route text
eo_mail_addressinfoformat Standard U.S., PO Box, Rural Route, etc. text
eo_deedowner The full unparsed owner's name on the latest deed text
eo_deedownerfirst The first deed owner's first name. If deed owner is a company the company name will be present in this field. text
eo_deedownermiddle The first deed owner's middle name text
eo_deedownerlast The first deed owner's last name text
eo_deedownersuffix The first deed owner's name suffix text
eo_deedowner2 The second full unparsed owner's name on the latest deed text
eo_deedowner2first The second deed owner's first name. If deed owner is a company the company name will be present in this field. text
eo_deedowner2middle The second deed owner's middle name text
eo_deedowner2last The second deed owner's last name text
eo_deedowner2suffix The second deed owner's name suffix text
eo_deedowner3 The third full unparsed owner's name on the latest deed text
eo_deedowner3first The third deed owner's first name. If deed owner is a company the company name will be present in this field. text
eo_deedowner3middle The third deed owner's middle name text
eo_deedowner3last The third deed owner's last name text
eo_deedowner3suffix The third deed owner's name suffix text
eo_deedowner4 The fourth full unparsed owner's name on the latest Deed text
eo_deedowner4first The fourth deed owner's first name. If deed owner is a company the company name will be present in this field. text
eo_deedowner4middle The fourth deed owner's middle name text
eo_deedowner4last The fourth deed owner's last name text
eo_deedowner4suffix The fourth deed owner's name suffix text
In this section