Canada Parcels Schema

We clean and convert all parcel data we receive into schema detailed below.

You can also view and download a detailed copy of the schema and a coverage report as a spreadsheet.

Field Description Datatype
ogc_fid Object ID serial primary key
admin0 Country Code

The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code

Examples: US, CA, GT

geoid County/Census Division ID number

Indicates the ID number of an admin2-equivalent boundary

parcelnumb Parcel ID

The assessor's primary parcel identification number or code.

Examples: 02004940, 001-020-4624-001

parcelnumb_no_formatting Parcel ID without Formatting

The primary parcel identification number with spaces and formatting characters removed.

Examples: 02004940, 0010204624001

alt_parcelnumb1 First Alternative Parcel ID

An assessor-provided additional or alternative parcel identification number.

Examples: 02004940, 001-020-4624-001

alt_parcelnumb2 Second Alternative Parcel ID

An assessor-provided additional or alternative parcel identification number.

Examples: 02004940, 001-020-4624-001

alt_parcelnumb3 Third Alternative Parcel ID

An assessor-provided additional or alternative parcel identification number.

Examples: 02004940, 001-020-4624-001

address Parcel Address

This is the address of the parcel itself. Also called the "situs address" or "site address". Not every parcel has a street address, especially in agricultural areas and other large parcels.

Examples: 170 SUMACH STREET

address2 Parcel Address Second Line text
saddno Parcel Address Number

Examples: 12109

saddpref Parcel Address Prefix

Examples: N

saddstr Parcel Address Street Name

Examples: GLENN

saddsttyp Parcel Address Street Type

Examples: RD

saddstsuf Parcel Address Street Suffix

Examples: NW

sunit Parcel Address Unit

Examples: Apt 2, Unit B, 6th floor

scity Parcel Address City

Examples: GRASS LAKE

postcode Parcel Address Postal Code

Examples: M5A 0C3

original_address Original Parcel Address

Parcel Address fields as originally provided by the county, encoded as a JSON object. This field was originally separated by a semicolon and a space and data will exist in that format as a migration happens over time.

Examples: {"address"=>"170 SUMACH STREET", "saddno"=>"170", "saddstr"=>"SUMACH", "scity"=>"TORONTO", "postcode"=>"M5A 0C3"}, 170 SUMACH STREET; TORONTO; ON; M5A 0C3

admin1 Parcel Address Province

Examples: QC

admin2 Administrative boundary beneath the subnational text
admin3 Census Subdivision

Used for organizational purposes. Refer to scity for the city associated with the site address. Below a county/census_division, equivalent to a city in most places.

reserve Indigenous-Administered Land Flag

Used to indicate when a parcel is administered directly by a First Nation or other Indigenous group

lat Latitude

On parcel centroid latitude decimal coordinate

lon Longitude

On parcel centroid longitude decimal coordinate

ll_last_refresh Last County Refresh Date

The last date Regrid refreshed the data from the County.

ll_gissqm Regrid Calculated Parcel Square Meters

Parcel square meters as calculated by Regrid from the parcel geometry

double precision
path Parcel Path

Regrid's human-readable identifier for this parcel. Not guaranteed to be stable between updates.

Examples: /us/mi/wayne/detroit/123, /us/ny/new-york/manhattan/375553

ll_stable_id Stable ID Status

Indicates if the path and ll_uuid values have changed during the last refresh from the county. A value of 'preserved' means the 'll_uuid' was matched during county refresh to the previous data. A 'null' indicates a new ll_uuid was generated because the new data was not matched to the existing data during the county data refresh process.

Examples: preserved (if unchanged),

ll_uuid Regrid UUID

Uniquely identifies a single parcel with a v4 uuid. A stable parcel id across county data refreshes. This field should be used for tracking individual parcels.

Examples: 4cc9eda6-883c-4f38-9a07-b44900a64b16

ll_stack_uuid Parcel Stack UUID

Uniquely identifies a group of parcels with exact duplicate geometries using one stack member parcel's ll_uuid assigned to all the parcels in the stack. This field should be used for identifying and working with groups of stacked parcels (parcels with exactly duplicated parcel geometry). The parcel ll_uuid chosen for the ll_stack_uuid is arbitrary and does not indicate a primary parcel.

Examples: 4cc9eda6-883c-4f38-9a07-b44900a64b16

ll_row_parcel Regrid Right-of-Way Parcel Flag

Identifies a parcel as being a likely right-of-way parcel. These are usually roads, streetsets, railways, utilities, rivers, etc. Values are text strings identifying the trait of the parcel that led to it being flagged.

Examples: parcel_number, land_use, perimeter_ratio, hull_ratio

ll_updated_at Last Modified

Timestamp of the last modification of any kind to this row.

Examples: 2019-06-06 12:45:21.285102-04

timestamp with time zone
  • Please note: Due to file format restrictions the ogc_fid column is not included in the geojson, kml, shp, and csv bulk data file formats.