Enhanced Ownership FAQ

Data delivery

Files are available daily on business days via SFTP in the enhanced_ownership folder.

If you receive cloud deliveries, the daily file will be pushed to your bucket when it is available.

What we deliver

A daily update file

A daily update file follows the naming pattern enhanced_ownership_YYYY-MM-DD.csv.gz'

A starter file

A starter file, called enhanced_ownership.csv.gz, is produced on the first day of each month. This file contains all Enhanced Ownership records. If you are just getting started with the Enhanced Ownership product, or need to restart from a clean nationwide export, this is the file you should start with.

Then, apply each subsequent daily update file on top of this file.

You can continue to apply daily updates, and you do not need to import this file monthly.

Data loading strategies

Start by loading the starter file.

Then, update your datastore by applying the changes from each daily file since the starter file was generated, using the ll_uuid as the key.

When should I load the file?

We recommend loading the file around 1pm US Eastern Time. Your software can check for the existence of the day's file at any time.

Recovering from delayed deliveries

A daily file may be delayed. We recommend designing your system to automatically retry looking for this file after a delay. For example, if the file is not available, your ingest script could re-check every hour.

Days without data

On days when no new data is available, typically weekends, a CSV following the usual format will still be available. It will have the usual headers but no rows of data. This is expected.

Data details

How current is the data?

Updates are provided to us on a daily basis. Currency will vary slightly from county to county as not every local authority provides updates at the same schedule. Currency specific to ownership is reported at a parcel level in the eo_lastrefresh field, and at the jurisdiction level, allowing users to have full transparency into currency to power their decision making process.

If a record was updated in today's file, does that mean the ownership has changed?

Not necessarily. We only update a record when one of the columns has changed, but updates may include new addresses, spelling, or cosmetic details like fixed typos or adjusted formatting.

What is the primary key? Is it stable across updates?

Enhanced Ownership records are linked to Regrid parcels via the ll_uuid. This ID is a stable representation of one parcel across updates.

The primary Enhanced Ownership record key is the attom_id. This represents one distinct matched ownership record. It is stable across updates.

What owner name should I display to users?

We recommend displaying the eo_owner field.

What is the difference between the eo_owner and the eo_deedowner?

The difference is based on the source of the information. The eo_owner is coming from the Assessor as part of the certified assessor file and eo_deedowner is coming from the County recorder and reflects the name recorded on the deed. There could be small differences between the two but they will more generally be in sync (see below). Deeded Owner is the legally recorded name for the property on the Deed.

Does the eo_deedowner override the eo_owner?

As the deed recordings are received on a more frequent basis than the certified assessor file, they will be used to update the eo_owner, and they will be in sync pending the next certified tax file.

In this section