The Regrid Parcel Schema

We clean and convert all parcel data we receive into The Regrid Parcel Schema detailed below. Some counties may include additional fields. Wherever possible, we include those in our exports, but we do not have a key available for those fields. Each tier includes all of the fields in any tiers below it.

You can also view and download a detailed copy of the schema as a spreadsheet and access the schema API endpoint.

Field Description Premium Standard Datatype
ogc_fid Object ID serial primary key
geoid FIPS Code

FIPS code (state + county FIPS codes)

parcelnumb Parcel ID

The assessor's primary parcel identification number or code.

Examples: 02004940, 001-020-4624-001

parcelnumb_no_formatting Parcel ID without Formatting

The primary parcel identification number with spaces and formatting characters removed.

Examples: 02004940, 0010204624001

state_parcelnumb State Provided Parcel ID Number

Statewide parcel identification number. Collected where available from states that provide a statewide parcel ID.

Examples: 02004940, 001-020-4624-001

account_number Parcel Account Number

The assessor or tax collector's account identification number for a property.

Examples: 02004940

tax_id Parcel Tax Identification Number

The assessor or tax collector's tax identification number for a property.

Examples: 02004940

alt_parcelnumb1 First Alternative Parcel ID

An assessor-provided additional or alternative parcel identification number.

Examples: 02004940, 001-020-4624-001

alt_parcelnumb2 Second Alternative Parcel ID

An assessor-provided additional or alternative parcel identification number.

Examples: 02004940, 001-020-4624-001

alt_parcelnumb3 Third Alternative Parcel ID

An assessor-provided additional or alternative parcel identification number.

Examples: 02004940, 001-020-4624-001

usecode Parcel Use Code

Varies by governing municipality

Examples: 104

usedesc Parcel Use Description

Varies by governing municipality

Examples: Residential

zoning Zoning Code

Code used by the governing municipality

Examples: R-1

zoning_description Zoning Description

Human-readable name for the zoning code defined by the governing municipality

Examples: Residential

zoning_type Zoning Type

Standardized zoning type

Examples: Residential

zoning_subtype Zoning Subtype

Standardized zoning subtype

Examples: Single-family

zoning_code_link Zoning Code Link

Link to the municipality's zoning code


zoning_id Zoning Area ID

ID for the zoning area for matching to the Regrid zoning product

Examples: 5555

struct Structure on Parcel boolean
structno Number of Structures on Parcel integer
yearbuilt Structure Year Built integer
numstories Number of Stories double precision
numunits Number of Living Units

The number of individual living units, apartments or condominiums on a parcel.

numrooms Number of Rooms

The number of rooms in the parcel's primary structure as recorded in county records.

double precision
structstyle Structure Style text
parvaltype Parcel Value Type

The type of value reported in the parcel value fields

Examples: Appraised, Assessed, Taxable, Market, Market Value

improvval Improvement Value double precision
landval Land Value double precision
parval Total Parcel Value double precision
agval Agricultural Value double precision
homestead_exemption Homestead Exemption

An assessor-provided attribute indicating if the parcel has any tax exemption due to homestead status.

saleprice Last Sale Price double precision
saledate Last Sale Date date
taxamt Annual Tax Bill double precision
taxyear Tax Year

An assessor-provided attribute indicating the tax year the assessor data applies to.

owntype Owner Type text
owner Owner Name text
unmodified_owner Unmodified Owner Name

Owner name before any standardization of punctuation and common government owners, or other details, are modified in any manner.

ownfrst Owner First Name text
ownlast Owner Last Name text
owner2 Second Owner Name text
owner3 Third Owner Name text
owner4 Fourth Owner Name text
previous_owner Previous Owner Name

The previous owner or grantor of a parcel.

mailadd Mailing Address

This is the address where the tax and other assessor's communications are sent. It is often thought of as the owner's mailing address. It is often the same address as the parcel physical street address, but very commonly it is a different address than the parcel address itself.

mail_address2 Mailing Address Second Line text
careof Mailing Address Care Of text
mail_addno Mailing Address Street Number

Examples: 402

mail_addpref Mailing Address Street Prefix

Examples: S

mail_addstr Mailing Address Street Name

Examples: FOURTH

mail_addsttyp Mailing Address Street Type

Examples: AVE

mail_addstsuf Mailing Address Street Suffix

Examples: NW

mail_unit Mailing Address Unit Number

Examples: APT # 2

mail_city Mailing Address City

Examples: Ann Arbor

mail_state2 Mailing Address State

Mailing Address State 2-Letter abbreviation

Examples: MI

mail_zip Mailing Address ZIP Code text
mail_country Mailing Address Country

Examples: US, Bolivia, Canada

mail_urbanization Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico) text
original_mailing_address Original Mailing Address

Mailing address fields as originally provided by the county, encoded as a JSON object. This field was originally separated by a semicolon and a space and data will exist in that format as a migration happens over time.

Examples: {"address"=>"12109 Katz Rd", "saddno"=>"12109", "saddstr"=>"Katz Rd", "scity"=>"Ann Arbor", "szip"=>"48105"}, 12109 Katz Rd; NW; Ann Arbor; MI; 48105

address Parcel Address

This is the address of the parcel itself. Also called the "situs address" or "site address". Not every parcel has a street address, especially in agricultural areas and other large parcels.

Examples: 12109 KATZ RD

address2 Parcel Address Second Line text
saddno Parcel Address Number

Examples: 12109

saddpref Parcel Address Prefix

Examples: N

saddstr Parcel Address Street Name

Examples: GLENN

saddsttyp Parcel Address Street Type

Examples: RD

saddstsuf Parcel Address Street Suffix

Examples: NW

sunit Parcel Address Unit

Examples: Apt 2, Unit B, 6th floor

scity Parcel Address City

Examples: GRASS LAKE

original_address Original Parcel Address

Parcel Address fields as originally provided by the county, encoded as a JSON object. This field was originally separated by a semicolon and a space and data will exist in that format as a migration happens over time.

Examples: {"address"=>"12109 Katz Rd", "saddno"=>"12109", "saddstr"=>"Katz Rd", "scity"=>"Ann Arbor", "szip"=>"48105"}, 12109 Katz Rd; NW; Ann Arbor; MI; 48105

city US Census County Subdivision

Used for organizational purposes. Refer to scity for the city associated with the site address.

county Parcel Address County text
state2 Parcel Address State

Examples: MI

szip Parcel Address Zip Code

Examples: 48103, 48104-3423

szip5 5 Digit Parcel Zip Code

Examples: 48103

urbanization Parcel Urbanizacion

A postal address field commonly used in Puerto Rico

Examples: Caguas

ll_address_count Regrid Calculated Total Address Count

Total number of primary and secondary addresses on the parcel as calculated by Regrid

location_name Location Name

A name commonly associated with this parcel

address_source Primary Address Source

Default source if none is listed is the county.

Examples: openaddresses, county

legaldesc Legal Description text
plat Plat

Plat number the parcel is recorded on

Examples: A

book Book

Book/Liber the parcel is recorded in

Examples: 231

page Page

Page/Folio the parcel is recorded on

Examples: 2

block Block text
lot Lot text
neighborhood Neighborhood text
neighborhood_code Neighborhood Code text
subdivision Subdivision text
lat Latitude

On parcel centroid latitude decimal coordinate

lon Longitude

On parcel centroid longitude decimal coordinate

fema_flood_zone FEMA Flood Zone text
fema_flood_zone_subtype FEMA Flood Zone Subtype text
fema_flood_zone_raw FEMA Flood Zone Raw Data text
fema_flood_zone_data_date FEMA Flood Zone Data Date date
fema_nri_risk_rating FEMA NRI Risk Rating

Sourced from FEMA's National Risk Index; the Risk Rating leverages available source data for natural hazard and community risk factors to develop a baseline relative risk measurement for each U.S. Census tract for all 50 states, the District of Columbia (DC), American Samoa (AS), Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (MP), Guam (GU), Puerto Rico (PR), and the U.S. Virgin Islands (VI). The National Risk Rating is intended to help users better understand the natural hazard risk of their communities by providing a category range from “Very Low” to “Very High.”

qoz Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone

Is this parcel in a US Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone

Examples: Yes, No

qoz_tract Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number

Census tract number as it was defined in Dec 2018 when QOZs were designated.

Examples: 30059000100, 30107000100

census_tract Census 2020 Tract text
census_block Census 2020 Block text
census_blockgroup Census 2020 Blockgroup text
census_zcta Census Zip Code Tabulation Area

The Census Zip Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) in which the center of the parcel is located.

census_elementary_school_district Census Provided Elementary School District text
census_secondary_school_district Census Provided Secondary School District text
census_unified_school_district Census Provided Unified School District text
ll_last_refresh Last County Refresh Date

The last date Regrid refreshed the data from the County.

sourceurl Source URL

A county-provided URL to the county parcel record online

recrdareatx Recorded Area (text) text
recrdareano Total Square Footage of Structures

An assessor-provided number in square feet that indicates the total habitable / taxable area of buildings on the parcel.

deeded_acres Deeded Acres double precision
gisacre County-Provided Acres double precision
sqft County-Provided Parcel Square Feet double precision
ll_gisacre Regrid Calculated Parcel Acres

Parcel acres as calculated by Regrid from the parcel geometry

double precision
ll_gissqft Regrid Calculated Parcel Square Feet

Parcel square feet as calculated by Regrid from the parcel geometry

ll_bldg_footprint_sqft Regrid Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet

Total building footprint in square feet as calculated by Regrid

ll_bldg_count Regrid Calculated Building Count

Total number of buildings on the parcel as calculated by Regrid

cdl_raw Cropland Data Layer Raw Values

This is an array of [value,percentage] pairs that represent the pixel classes present in the parcel and their percentage of the total pixels.

Examples: 36, 60.0, 75, 20.0, 87, 10.0, 190, 10.0

cdl_majority_category Cropland Data Layer Majority Category

This is the human readable Category name for the land cover type that is most common on the parcel.

Examples: Alfalfa

cdl_majority_percent Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent

This is the actual percentage of pixels for the majority category.

Examples: 60.0

double precision
cdl_date Cropland Data Layer Date

The year of the Cropland Data Layer data set the current attributes are derived from.

Examples: 2021

plss_township PLSS Township

Public Land Survey System Township reference.

plss_section PLSS Section

Public Land Survey System Section reference.

plss_range PLSS Range

Public Land Survey System Range reference.

reviseddate Date of Last Revision

The last date of last revision as provided by the county assessor's office if available.

path Parcel Path

Regrid's human-readable identifier for this parcel. Not guaranteed to be stable between updates.

Examples: /us/mi/wayne/detroit/123, /us/ny/new-york/manhattan/375553

ll_stable_id Stable ID Status

Indicates if the 'll_uuid' value has changed or was newly assigned during the last refresh from the county. A 'null' indicates a new ll_uuid was generated because the new data was not matched to any existing data during the county data refresh process. If there is any value in this field besides a NULL or empty string, it means we were able to match the refreshed parcel with a parcel in our previous data. The available non-null values are 'parcelnumb', 'address', 'geometry' or 'preserved' and they indicate what attribute we used to match the refreshed parcel to the previous parcel. 'preserved' is a legacy value and just indicates that the ll_uuid was carried forward from the previous data.

Examples: preserved (ll_uuid unchanged), parcelnum (ll_uuid unchanged, matched on parcel number), address (ll_uuid unchanged, matched on address), geometry (ll_uuid unchanged, matched on geometry),

ll_uuid Regrid UUID

Uniquely identifies a single parcel with a v4 uuid. A stable parcel id across county data refreshes. This field should be used for tracking individual parcels.

Examples: 4cc9eda6-883c-4f38-9a07-b44900a64b16

ll_stack_uuid Parcel Stack UUID

Uniquely identifies a group of parcels with exact duplicate geometries using one stack member parcel's ll_uuid assigned to all the parcels in the stack. This field should be used for identifying and working with groups of stacked parcels (parcels with exactly duplicated parcel geometry). The parcel ll_uuid chosen for the ll_stack_uuid is arbitrary and does not indicate a primary parcel.

Examples: 4cc9eda6-883c-4f38-9a07-b44900a64b16

ll_row_parcel Regrid Right-of-Way Parcel Flag

Identifies a parcel as being a likely right-of-way parcel. These are usually roads, streetsets, railways, utilities, rivers, etc. Values are text strings identifying the trait of the parcel that led to it being flagged.

Examples: parcel_number, land_use, perimeter_ratio, hull_ratio

ll_updated_at Last Modified

Timestamp of the last modification of any kind to this row.

Examples: 2019-06-06 12:45:21.285102-04

timestamp with time zone
precisely_id Precisely ID

The PreciselyID represents a point addressable location. If a location has multiple alias addresses (alias street names, vanity city names, etc), it will receive the same PreciselyID.

placekey Placekey

Examples: 227-223@5vg-82n-pgk

dpv_status USPS Delivery Point Validation

Examples: V, N

dpv_codes Delivery Point Validation Codes text
dpv_notes Delivery Point Validation Notes text
dpv_type Delivery Point Match Type

Examples: H (High Rise), S (Street)

cass_errorno CASS Error Codes text
rdi Residential Delivery Indicator

Examples: Y, N

usps_vacancy USPS Vacancy Indicator

Examples: Y

usps_vacancy_date USPS Vacancy Indicator Date

Date the vacancy indicator was collected

padus_public_access PAD-US Public Access Designation

United States Geological Survey Protected Areas Database of the United States Public Access designation.

Examples: Open Access, Restricted Access, Unknown (Closed), Closed

lbcs_activity Land Use Code: Activity

Actual activity on land, eg farming, shopping, manufacturing.

lbcs_activity_desc Land Use Code Description: Activity

Description of the LBCS numeric code

lbcs_function Land Use Code: Function

Economic function or type of establishment, eg agricultural, commercial, industrial

lbcs_function_desc Land Use Code Description: Function

Economic function or type of establishment, eg agricultural, commercial, industrial

lbcs_structure Land Use Code: Structure

Type of structure or building, eg single-family house, office building, warehouse

lbcs_structure_desc Land Use Code Description: Structure

Type of structure or building, eg single-family house, office building, warehouse

lbcs_site Land Use Code: Site

What is on the land

lbcs_site_desc Land Use Code Description: Site

What is on the land

lbcs_ownership Land Use Code: Ownership

Ownership structure, eg public, private

lbcs_ownership_desc Land Use Code Description: Ownership

Ownership structure, eg public, private

housing_affordability_index Housing Affordability Index

Housing Affordability Index (HAI) measures the ability of a typical resident to purchase a home in the geographic area. The HAI has a base of 100, representing where the median income is sufficient to qualify for a loan on a median-valued home and not be cost-burdened (cost-burdened=greater than 30% of income spent on housing). HAI values > 100 indicate increasing affordability; HAI values < 100 indicate areas where homes are less affordable and median income might be insufficient to purchase a median-valued home. This attribute is calculated at the Census Block Group in which the parcel is located. Source US Census Bureau via Esri. Updated each July representing previous year.

population_density Population Density

Estimate of the Population Density (population per Square Mile) in the geographic area. Population density is computed by dividing the total population within the geographic area by the total land area, measured in square miles. This attribute is calculated at the Census Block Group in which the parcel is located. Source US Census Bureau via Esri. Updated each July representing previous year.

population_growth_past_5_years Population Growth (CAGR) past 5 years

Population Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for the previous 5 year period, is an annualized measure describing the direction (either positive or negative) and magnitude of change in the total number of persons between the previous 5 years. Annualized means that the resultant value reflects a rate of change over a twelve-month time period. This permits analysis of multiple growth rates between values measured at differing points in time using a common time period of twelve months; the annualized growth rate is repeated, or compounded, each year. The CAGR is sometimes referred to as growth rate, annual rate, annualized growth rate, or compound growth rate. This attribute is calculated at the Census Block Group in which the parcel is located. Source US Census Bureau via Esri. Updated each July representing previous year.

population_growth_next_5_years Population Growth (CAGR) next 5 years

Five-year forecast for Population Growth, Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). The Population Growth CAGR is an annualized measure that describes the direction (either positive or negative) and magnitude of change in population between the current year and that year plus 5. The CAGR is sometimes referred to as growth rate, annual rate, annualized growth rate, or compound growth rate. This attribute is calculated at the Census Block Group in which the parcel is located. Source US Census Bureau via Esri. Updated each July representing previous year.

housing_growth_past_5_years Housing Units Growth (CAGR) past 5 years

Housing Units Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for the previous five year period, is an annualized measure describing the direction (either positive or negative) and magnitude of change in the total number of housing units between the previous 5 years. Annualized means that the resultant value reflects a rate of change over a twelve-month time period. This permits analysis of multiple growth rates between values measured at differing points in time using a common time period of twelve months; the annualized growth rate is repeated, or compounded, each year. The CAGR is sometimes referred to as growth rate, annual rate, annualized growth rate, or compound growth rate. This attribute is calculated at the Census Block Group in which the parcel is located. Source US Census Bureau via Esri. Updated each July representing previous year.

housing_growth_next_5_years Housing Units Growth (CAGR) next 5 years

Five-year forecast for Housing Units Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). The Housing Unit CAGR is an annualized measure that describes the direction (either positive or negative) and magnitude of change in total housing units between the current year and that year plus 5. The CAGR is sometimes referred to as growth rate, annual rate, annualized growth rate, or compound growth rate. This attribute is calculated at the Census Block Group in which the parcel is located. Source US Census Bureau via Esri. Updated each July representing previous year.

household_income_growth_next_5_years Median Household Income Growth (CAGR) next 5 years

Five-year forecast for Median Household Income Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). The Median Household Income CAGR is an annualized measure that describes the direction (either positive or negative) and magnitude of change in the total Median Household Income between the current year and that year plus 5. The CAGR is sometimes referred to as growth rate, annual rate, annualized growth rate, or compound growth rate. This attribute is calculated at the Census Block Group in which the parcel is located. Source US Census Bureau via Esri. Updated each July representing previous year.

median_household_income Median Household Income (current year)

Estimate of Median Household Income in the geographic area for the previous year. Median Household Income is the amount that divides household income (annual income for all household earners age 15+) into two equal groups in a geographic area; half of the population will have income higher than the median and half will have lower income. If the median falls in the upper income interval of $200,000+, it is represented by the value of $200,001. Esri uses the U.S. Census definition of income. This attribute is calculated at the Census Block Group in which the parcel is located. Source US Census Bureau via Esri. Updated each July representing previous year.

transmission_line_distance Distance to Transmission line

Sourced from HIFLD; provides the distance from the parcel boundary to the nearest relatively high voltage (69kv - 765kv) electric transmission line as available within the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Transmission Line dataset

roughness_rating Roughness Rating

The amount of elevation variability within a parcel. Calculated per parcel from Digital Elevation Model (DEM). 0-80m is considered to represent a level terrain surface; 81-116m represents a nearly level surface; 117-161m represents a slightly rugged surface; 162-239m represents an intermediately rugged surface; 240-497m represents a moderately rugged surface; 498-958m represents a highly rugged surface; 959-4367m represents an extremely rugged surface.

highest_parcel_elevation Highest Parcel Elevation

Highest elevation value (meters) intersecting the parcel calculated using best available terrain data. Calculated for each parcel.

lowest_parcel_elevation Lowest Parcel Elevation

Lowest elevation value (meters) intersecting the parcel calculated using best available terrain data. Calculated for each parcel.

  • Please note: Due to file format restrictions the ogc_fid column is not included in the geojson, kml, shp, and csv bulk data file formats.